Entry Regulations

Visa Requirements

Depending on their nationality, some people will need to apply for a consular visa to enter Costa Rica. 
Please check the following link to see the list of countries whose nationals are required to apply for a consular visa to enter the country.

Requirements for nationals from Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Honduras: Thanks to the collaboration of our host, the Costa Rica Convention Bureau, the nationals of these countries can send a copy of their passport, an apostilled certificate of their judicial record from each country and certification of income to director@costaricacvb.com so that the host can process the visa for them, or as another option, they can do the process directly in their countries with the respective Consulates/Embassies. 

Note: all passports must be valid for at least 3 months at the time of entry into the country.


Costa Rica has established yellow fever transmission risk zones and has implemented a measure requiring foreigners who have been in these zones within the last six days to present the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate upon entering the country. 

It is important to note that the vaccine should be administered at least 10 days prior to travel to yellow fever risk areas to ensure effective protection.

The countries at risk within Latin America from which vaccine is requiered are the following, and within these countries, some cities are considered as exceptions:

-Colombia (exceptions: Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, San Andrés.)
-Ecuador, only requiered for Morona, Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Sucumbíos And Zamora-Chinchipe (exceptions: rest of the country)
-Paraguay  (exception: Asunción)
-Perú (exception: Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, Lambayeque, Tumbes, Piura, Cajamarca)

Note: The city from which the person entering Costa Rica takes the first flight will be taken as a reference to determine whether or not it is a city at risk). Example: Bolivia-Bogotá- San Jose. In this case Bolivia is at risk and therefore the passenger will have to be vaccinated in order to enter Costa Rica.

Source:  Health Department, Costa Rica.