Practical Information


Have you already booked your hotel? If you have not yet done so, you can make a reservation in one of the 3 official hotels we have chosen for the LATAM Conference. 
Our partner Booking Congress will help you in this process. 


Centro de Convenciones de Costa Rica
Address: Autopista Gral. Cañas, San José, Costa Rica 

Transportation Hotels - Venue - Social Activities

We will provide transportation from the hotels to the venue in the morning and in the afternoon based on the beginning and end of the day of the event. Also for the social activities in the evening, buses will depart and return to/from the 3 official hotels.

Approximate transportation schedules (information will be updated on the event app on the 23rd):

Tuesday, April 25:
8:30 am - buses depart from official hotels to CCCR.
4:15 pm - return to hotels from CCCR
7:00 pm - departure buses from official hotels to welcome reception at Parque de
Diversiones/Pueblo Antiguo
10:00 pm - return to hotels from the welcome reception

Wednesday, April 26:
8:30 am - buses depart from official hotels to CCCR
8:00 pm - buses depart from official hotels to closing dinner at Intercontinental Hotel
11:00 pm - return to hotels from closing dinner

Note: Transportation will be limited exclusively to those delegates staying at the hotels designated for the event (Marriot Hacienda Belen, AC Marriot Heredia and DoubleTree by Hilton). If you are staying at a hotel other than these, you will need to arrange a cab service or other type of transportation of your choice to attend the Conference and other social activities. 

Bus Schedule

Tuesday, 25 April


Wednesday, 26 April


Registration Badge

In order to attend the Conference and social activities, you must pick up your badge at the host venue Centro de Convenciones de Costa Rica on April 25th starting from 8:15 am before the official opening of the event.

Bear in mind your registration fee must be paid at the time you pick up your badge. Failure to pay before the start date of the event will result in the cancellation of your registration.

Matchmaking Appointment Scheduling

To get the most out of the matchmaking activity, it is necessary to make the appointment scheduling process on the Two To Tango platform as soon as possible.

For any questions related to the use of the platform please contact Paulina Randtes

Conference Sessions, Matchmaking and Xchange Sessions

Xchange and Matchmaking sessions will take place at the 
Salón Guanacaste.
Xchange: April 26, 9:00 - 9:30 am
April 25, 3:10 - 4:10 pm 
April 26, 11:05 - 11:50 am

Conference sessions will take place at the Salón Talamanca 1

Social Activities

  • Welcome Reception , April 25 - 8:00 pm
Parque de Diversiones/Pueblo Antiguo
Address: Costa Rica, La Uruca, 2 km West from Hospital México

  • City Tour, April 26, 2:15 - 5:30 pm
Tour inside San José where we will visit the National Theater of Costa Rica, the Pre-Columbian Gold Museum and we will finish the tour in the gastronomic area of Doma Escalante.

  • Closing Dinner, April 26 - 8:00 pm
Intercontinental Hotel
Address: In front of Multiplaza, San Jose 11856-1000, Costa Rica

Post-Conference Tour

On April 27th we will visit Doka Coffee Estate and the waterfalls of La Paz National Park outside of San Jose.
More details you can find here
If you have not registered yet you can do so by clicking on this link.

Departure from the official hotels: 7:30 am
Return to the official hotels: 5:30 pm
Cost: $130.00 USD per person

Note: this activity is not included in the registration fee and must be booked and paid directly to CR Magic DMC tourism agency.

Running Club

As is tradition at UFI events, our delegates will gather for a 15-20 minute run around the hotel area. You don't have to be a great runner, just enjoy the fresh morning air and some time out with colleagues.

Date: Wednesday, April 26
Time: 6:30 am
Meeting place: Marriott Hacienda Belen lobby

Accompanying Persons

We have established a special rate for accompanying persons of $130 USD which includes
participation in the welcome reception on April 25, the city tour and the closing dinner, both on April 26.

Click here to register an accompanying person.

Dress Code

We suggest Business Casual attire for both the sessions at the Convention Center and the evening social activities on April 25 and 26.
For those joining the Post-Conference tour, we suggest casual attire and comfortable walking

Yellow Fever Vaccination

Costa Rica has established risk zones for yellow fever transmission and has implemented a
measure that requires foreigners who have been in these zones within the last six days to present a Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate at the time of entering the country. Click here to know the risk zones and to learn if you must present your vaccination certificate at the moment of entering Costa Rica. 

Costa Rica Entry Regulations

Depending on the nationality, some people must request a consular visa to enter Costa Rica.
Please check this link to know the countries whose nationals are required to apply for a consular visa to enter the the country.

Event App

The UFI LATAM Conference app is the easiest way to stay informed about this year's event. Stay up to date with programming, sessions and social activities. Use it to make new connections and network with colleagues and industry peers.

Download on App Store: here
Download on Google Play: here